Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Amelia's Lace Skirt

After finishing my jumper project and seeing that a lot of other people were working with lace, I decided to give it a go myself. Another girl in the class brought in a couple of her ma's lace table cloths and I thought I'd see what I could do with them.
I found a skirt at home that I'd bought at the start of the year, that had been a little bit short for my liking so I brought it in to see what I could do.

I started by cutting the centre out of the table cloth, leaving only the border, i then cut one of the corners so that it could be turned into a linear piece of material. I then took my skirt and pinned the lace upside down around the bottom hem- this allowed for a seamless look when I finished sewing.

After sewing the lace to the hem, I hand stitched (terribly) the ends of the lace together and voila! I was done in just two lessons. Now, rather than a scantily short cotton skirt I have a knee length, maroon and white, cotton and lace skirt- perfect to wear out, without having to worry about constantly pulling it back down at the back.



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